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Bokan Science & Technology (Beijing) Company Limited, known as Bokan, is a professional business organization specializing in collaborating with Chinese municipal governments to establish specialized high-tech industrial parks through introducing domestic and overseas innovative technologies and products of various industries including life science, big data, software, artificial intelligence(AI), and advanced materials etc. Founded in 2006, Bokan is one of the earliest professional organizations in China undertaking the R&D, investment and incubation of innovations and inventions in mobile internet industry which is the key component of new economy for the 21st century. Bokan, is the only professional organization authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Information of China as the national operation platform for mobile internet innovation service with the participation of leading Chinese scientists with profound expertise in information technology. Bokan is also the strategic partner of the Center of Mobile Internet and Digital Media of Tsinghua University, the most premier university in China.

In addition to its pioneer position in the above industries of new economy, Bokan has also been actively assisting Chinese local municipal governments through bridging their demands for introducing domestic and overseas technologies and inventions into their respective specialized industrial parks with Chinese and foreign enterprises possessing innovative technologies and seeking favorable business environments and greater market opportunities. Through its domestic cooperation with numerous top Chinese universities including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University and etc., and international cooperation with innovation centers and laboratories in Switzerland, Finland, France and Israel and etc., Bokan has successfully achieved its visionary objectives of integrating “New Technologies, New Human Resources and New Capitals” into the highly-effective and sustainable industrial ecosystems for establishing nation’s new accelerating mechanism for commercializing innovation and inventions.

In 2016, Bokan collaborated with Nanchang(the capital city of Jiangxi province in South China) government for introducing as many as 10 signature innovative projects of total estimated company value of 10B RMB( 1.5 B US$) into Nanchang Linkong Specialized Industrial Park, representing a variety of industries of leading innovations like AR, big data, life science and biotech etc.,
As the major initiator and cornerstone investor of a series of syndicate investment for high-tech companies in China, Bokan is planning to build a broader portfolio of investment consisting of both Chinese high-tech companies and overseas innovative technology companies.
Given Bokan’s proactive influence among Chinese institutional investors, extensive connections with Chinese capital markets and profound expertise in technology commercialization, more investment and market opportunities will be brought to innovative technology companies. 
